Studio 440 started out as a songwriting exercise using a Digital Port-A-Studio recorder that could burn CDs. My goal was to write songs and attempt to get them published. Being a drummer first, I took on the Guitar as the second instrument, and play enough keyboard to add spice to the songs. I could generate a demo playing all three instruments to get feel for the vibe. Great start to the process but soon you must bring in more seasoned players who can bring their voices to the project. Back to the studio, as time went on more and more songs started flowing out. Gee, we need a bigger studio... So over the years, I added a number of tape decks; first 1" 24 Track machine then the big daddy 2" 24 track tape machine. Neumann and Telefunken microphones really upped the game in performance quality. Next, I brought in a Hammond Organ with Leslie Cabinet, Kurzweil Synth, and Mellotron. Added a number of vintage Fender amps to the Marshall stacks. Big array of guitar types for different sounds. I used my trusty 1967 double bass drum vintage Satin flame Gretsch kit while recording this album, as well as my 1969 Maple wood Ludwig kit with a 26" bass drum on the majority of the rhythm tracks. With the addition of more outboard gear, we were ready to record an album.
And that's what we did.
Studio 440 was built for this recording not for hire (except friends). So the philosophy here was to record on tape (old school), use no click track (old school), and mix in Protools (middle school). Oh yeah!! Protools, plugins, and Mac computers add another level of parts to round off a studio.